How to Charge Your Tenants for Solar Energy

Idan Shahar
Updated on
September 27, 2023
5 min read


As the world transitions towards sustainable energy solutions, solar power has emerged as a cost-effective and eco-friendly option for property owners. If you've equipped your rental property with solar panels, you're undoubtedly looking for ways to recoup your investment while offering green benefits to your tenants. In this blog post, we'll explore three methods for charging your tenants for solar energy and discuss why consumption-based billing is the superior choice.

Option 1: Increased Rent

One approach to offsetting the cost of solar panel installation is to increase your tenants' monthly rent by a fixed amount, say $100, in exchange for providing them with free solar energy. It can be either by increasing the rent or by charging a flat fee. While this method may seem convenient, it comes with several drawbacks.


  • Lack of Fairness: Charging a flat fee regardless of energy usage might not be fair to tenants who consume less energy than others. Some tenants may feel they are subsidizing their neighbors' excessive energy use.
  • Potential Resistance: Rent hikes can deter potential tenants and lead to tenant turnover, ultimately affecting your property's occupancy rate and income.
  • Tenant Perception: Increasing rent might give the impression that you are merely passing on your costs, potentially compromising your property's appeal.

Option 2: Flat Energy Fee

Another option is to keep the utilities under your name and charge tenants a flat fee for electricity, including the solar energy generated. This approach has its own set of pros and cons.


  • High Financial Risk: Flat fees may lead to tenants using energy irresponsibly since they don't pay for their actual consumption. In this situation, as a landlord, you lose money.
  • Potential Overcharging: You may unintentionally overcharge tenants, leading to disputes and dissatisfaction.

Option 4: Consumption-Based Billing

Consumption-based billing, also known as metered billing, is the fairest and most transparent method for charging tenants for solar energy. Here's why it stands out:

Reason 1: Win-Win Situation

Consumption-based billing creates a win-win situation. Tenants pay only for the energy they use, ensuring fairness in energy costs. For property owners, this means getting paid for the exact energy your solar panels produce. It's an equitable system where both parties benefit.

Reason 2: Risk Mitigation

Unlike flat fees, consumption-based billing eliminates the risk of excessive energy consumption by tenants, which could result in high costs for property owners. With metered billing, tenants have a financial incentive to use energy wisely, reducing the potential for energy wastage.

Reason 3: Property Appeal

Choosing consumption-based billing won't compromise your property's appeal to tenants, as it demonstrates a commitment to fairness and sustainability. Potential tenants are more likely to view your property as a responsible and eco-conscious choice.


While there are various ways to charge your tenants for solar energy, consumption-based billing stands out as the most equitable and efficient method. It fosters a win-win situation, mitigates financial risks, and maintains your property's appeal. By implementing consumption-based billing, you not only recover your solar panel investment but also contribute to a sustainable future while providing your tenants with a fair and transparent energy billing system.

Idan Shahar
CEO & Co-Founder